2020 e anteriores
CRISTOFOLINI, T. ; DALMINA, MILENE ; SIERRA, JELVER A. ; SILVA, ADNY H. ; PASA, A. A. ; PITTELLA, FREDERICO ; Creczynski-Pasa, Tânia Beatriz . Multifunctional hybrid nanoparticles as magnetic delivery systems for siRNA targeting the HER2 gene in breast cancer cells. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 109, p. 110555, 2020.
Khalid, Mohd. ; HONORATO, ANA M.B. ; PASA, ANDRÉ A. ; VARELA, HAMILTON . A sugar derived carbon-red phosphorus composite for oxygen evolution reaction and supercapacitor activities. Materials Science for Energy Technologies, v. 3, p. 508-514, 2020.
AVILA, LINDIOMAR BORGES ; MÜLLER, CHRISTIAN K. ; HILDEBRAND, DIRK ; FAITA, FABRÍCIO L. ; BAGGIO, BRUNA F. ; CID, CRISTIANI C. PLÁ ; PASA, ANDRÉ AVELINO . Resistive Switching in Electrodeposited Prussian Blue Layers. Materials, v. 13, p. 5618, 2020.
MEURER, LINO ; SZPOGANICZ, BRUNO ; BORGES, ZEANE VIEIRA ; CID, CRISTIANI CAMPOS PLÁ ; COSTA, THIAGO GUIMARÃES . Preparation and characterization of cobalt carbides coated with NiCo with exchange-spring behavior. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, v. 1192, p. 154-161, 2019.
ZHAO, FU ; XU, YIN ; TUMELERO, MILTON ; PELEGRINI, SILVIA ; PASA, ANDRE ; ZANGARI, GIOVANNI . Electrical Conductivity in Electrodeposited Cu-Ge(O) Alloy Films. JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, v. 165, p. D628-D634, 2018.
ZIMMERMANN, LIZANDRA M. ; ALMERINDO, GIZELLE I. ; MEDEIROS, MICHELLE ; AFFELDT, RICARDO F. ; WANDERLIND, EDUARDO H. ; GEROLA, ADRIANA P. ; NOME, RENÉ A. ; Tumelero, Milton A. ; FACCIO, RICARDO ; Pasa, André A. ; FIEDLER, HAIDI D. ; NOME, FARUK . Toward Heterogeneously Catalyzed Detoxification of Phosphotriesters: Insights from Kinetics and Theoretical Calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 122, p. 25530-25538, 2018.
PIGNANELLI, FERNANDO ; FERNÁNDEZ-WERNER, LUCIANA ; ROMERO, MARIANO ; MOMBRÚ, DOMINIQUE ; Tumelero, Milton A. ; Pasa, André A. ; GERMÁN, ESTEFANÍA ; FACCIO, RICARDO ; MOMBRÚ, ÁLVARO W. . Hydrogen titanate nanotubes for dye sensitized solar cells applications: Experimental and theoretical study. MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, v. 106, p. 40-48, 2018.
PELEGRINI, S. ; TUMELERO, M. A. ; BRANDT, I. S. ; DELLA PACE, R. D. ; FACCIO, R. ; PASA, A. A. . Electrodeposited Cu2O doped with Cl: Electrical and optical properties. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, v. 123, p. 161567, 2018.
QUISPE, L. T. ; BRANDT, I. S. ; Pasa, A. A. . Faradaic efficiency of porous electrodeposits: an application to β-Ni(OH)2 films. JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY, v. 22, p. 3025-3033, 2018.
ROMERO, MARIANO ; FACCIO, RICARDO ; MONTENEGRO, BENJAMÍN ; TUMELERO, MILTON A. ; PLÁ CID, CRISTIANI CAMPOS ; PASA, ANDRÉ A. ; MOMBRÚ, ALVARO W. . Role of conducting polyaniline interphase on the low field magnetoresistance for LSMO-PANI nanocomposites. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, v. 466, p. 446-451, 2018.
BRANDT, IURI S. ; PLÁ CID, CRISTIANI C. ; AZEVEDO, CARLOS G. G. ; PEREIRA, ANDRÉ L. J. ; BENETTI, LUANA C. ; FERLAUTO, ANDRE S. ; DIAS DA SILVA, JOSÉ H. ; PASA, ANDRÉ A. . Influence of substrate on the structure of predominantly anatase TiO 2 films grown by reactive sputtering. RSC Advances, v. 8, p. 7062-7071, 2018
BRANDT, IURI S. ; TUMELERO, MILTON A. ; MARTINS, CESAR A. ; PLÁ CID, CRISTIANI C. ; FACCIO, RICARDO ; PASA, ANDRÉ A. . Defects controlling electrical and optical properties of electrodeposited Bi doped Cu 2 O. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, v. 123, p. 161412, 2018.
BRITO, E.L. ; GOMES, D.N. ; PLÁ CID, C.C. ; DE ARAÚJO, J.C.R. ; BOHN, F. ; STRECK, L. ; FONSECA, J. L.C. . Superparamagnetic magnetite/IPEC particles. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, v. 560, p. 376-383, 2018.
Seguem abaixo as principais publicaçõoes do grupo até 2017:
BRANDT, I.S.; TUMELERO, M.A.; PELEGRINI, S.; ZANGARI, G.; PASA, A. A. . Electrodeposition of Cu2O: growth, properties, and applications. J Solid State Electrochem, p. 1–22, 2017.
BRANDT, Iuri S.; TUMELERO, Milton A.; LIMA JR., Enio; DA SILVA, Douglas L.; ZYSLER, Roberto D.; FACCIO, Ricardo; PASA, André A.. Enhanced defect-mediated ferromagnetism in Cu2O by Co doping. J. of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 441, p. 374–386, 2017.
KHALID, Mohd; QUISPE, Luis T.; PLA CID, Cristiani C.; MELLO, Alexandre; TUMELERO, Milton A.; PASA, André A.. The synthesis of highly corrugated graphene and its polyaniline composite for supercapacitors. New J. Chem., v. 41, p. 4629-4636, 2017.
QUISPE, L. T.; PLA CID, C. C.; MELLO, A.; BRANDT, I. S.; PASA, A. A. . Anodic Synthesis of β-Ni(OH)2 Thin Films on Si(100). ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. V. 6, p. N64-N69, 2017.
SOUZA, Paloma B.; TUMELERO, Milton A.; ZANGARI, Giovanni; PASA, Andre A. . Tuning electrodeposition Conditions towards the Formation of Smooth Bi2Se3 Thin Films. J. Electrochem. Soc., v. 164, p. D401-D405, 2017.
ERSCHING, K. ; Isoppo, E.A. ; TUMELERO, M.A. ; VIEGAS, A.D.C. ; Pasa, A.A. . Uniformity and homogeneity of FeXNi100-X nanowires electrodeposited in nanoporous alumina. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, v. 104, p. 124-132, 2017.
SILVA, J. P. B. ; FAITA, F. L. ; KAMAKSHI, K. ; SEKHAR, K. C. ; MOREIRA, J. AGOSTINHO ; ALMEIDA, A. ; PEREIRA, M. ; Pasa, A. A. ; GOMES, M. J. M. . Enhanced resistive switching characteristics in Pt/BaTiO3/ITO structures through insertion of HfO2:Al2O3 (HAO) dielectric thin layer. Scientific Reports, v. 7, p. 46350, 2017.
DE OLIVEIRA, Cristian S. ; QUISPE, Luis T. ; PLÁ CID, Cristiani C. ; SIERRA, Jelver A. ; DE BARROS, Silvio ; MELLO, A. ; Pasa, André A. . DTT functionalization of Ag particles for conducting adhesives. Journal of Adhesion, v. 1, p. 1-7, 2017.
SILVA, Adny H. ; LOCATELLI, Claudriana ; FILIPPIN-MONTEIRO, Fabíola B. ; MARTIN, Philip ; LIPTROTT, Neill J. ; Zanetti-Ramos, Betina G. ; BENETTI, Luana C. ; NAZARI, Evelize M. ; ALBUQUERQUE, Cláudia A.C. ; Pasa, André A. ; OWEN, Andrew ; Creczynski-Pasa, Tânia B. . Toxicity and inflammatory response in Swiss albino mice after intraperitoneal and oral administration of polyurethane nanoparticles. Toxicology Letters, v. 246, p. 17-27, 2016.
SIERRA, Jelver Alexander ; VANONI, Caio Raphael ; TUMELERO, Milton André ; PLÁ CID, Cristiani Campos ; FACCIO, Ricardo ; FRANCESCHINI, Dante Ferreira ; CRECZYNSKI-PASA, Tânia Beatriz ; PASA, André Avelino . Biogenic approaches using citrus extracts for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles: the role of flavonoids in gold reduction and stabilization. New Journal of Chemistry (1987), v. 40, p. 1420-1429, 2016.
TUMELERO, Milton Andre ; FACCIO, Ricardo ; Pasa, Andre Avelino . Unraveling the Native Conduction of Trichalcogenides and It Ideal Band Alignment for New Photovoltaic Interfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, v. 120, p. 1390-1399, 2016.
TUMELERO, Milton A. ; BENETTI, Luana C. ; ISOPPO, Eduardo ; FACCIO, Ricardo ; ZANGARI, Giovanni ; PASA, Andre A. . Electrodeposition and Studies of Metastable Orthorhombic Bi Se : A Novel Semiconductor with Bandgap for Photovoltaic Applications. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, v. 120, p. 11797-11806, 2016.
FISCHER, Jeison A. ; Leonid Sandratskii ; Soo-Hyon Phark ; OUAZI, S. ; PASA, A. A. ; Dirk Sander ; PARKIN, S. . Probing the spinor nature of electronic states in nanosize non-collinear magnets. Nature Communications, v. 7, p. 13000, 2016.
TUMELERO, Milton A ; FACCIO, Ricardo ; PASA, Andre A . The role of interstitial native defects in the topological insulator Bi Se. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print), v. 28, p. 425801, 2016.
SILVA, Adny H. ; LIMA, Enio ; MANSILLA, Marcelo Vasquez ; ZYSLER, Roberto D. ; TROIANI, Horacio ; PISCIOTTI, Mary Luz Mojica ; LOCATELLI, Claudriana ; BENECH, Juan C. ; ODDONE, Natalia ; Zoldan, Vinícius C. ; Winter, Evelyn ; PASA, A. A. ; Creczynski-Pasa, Tânia Beatriz . Superparamagnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles mPEG350- and mPEG2000-coated: cell uptake and biocompatibility evaluation. Nanomedicine, v. 12, p. 909-912, 2016.
ROMERO, Mariano ; FACCIO, Ricardo ; PARDO, Helena ; Tumelero, Milton A. ; CAMPOS PLÁ CID, Cristiani ; Pasa, André A. ; MOMBRÚ, Álvaro W. . Microstructure, interparticle interactions and magnetotransport of manganite-polyaniline nanocomposites. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 171, p. 178-184, 2016.
DA SILVA, Douglas Langie ; MOREIRA, Eduardo Ceretta ; DIAS, Fábio Teixeira ; NEVES VIEIRA, Valdemar Das ; Brandt, Iuri Stefani ; CAS VIEGAS, Alexandre Da ; PASA, André Avelino. Quasi-one-dimensional nanostructured cobalt (Co) intercalated vanadium oxide (V2O5): Peroxovanadate sol gel synthesis and structural study. Journal of Solid State Chemistry (Print), v. 221, p. 116-125, 2015.
ZOLDAN, Vinícius Claudio ; FACCIO, Ricardo ; PASA, André Avelino . n and p type character of single molecule diodes. Scientific Reports, v. 5, p. 8350, 2015.
ROMERO, Mariano ; PARDO, Helena ; FACCIO, Ricardo ; Tumelero, Milton A. ; PLÁ CID, Cristiani Campos ; CASTIGLIONI, Jorge ; Pasa, André A. ; MOMBRÚ, Álvaro W. . Interphase and magnetotransport of LSMO-PMMA nanocomposites obtained by a sonochemical method. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 382, p. 342-348, 2015.
PELEGRINI, S. ; BRANDT, I. S. ; CID, C. C. P. ; ISOPPO, E. A. ; VIEGAS, A.D.C. ; PASA, A. A. . Electrochemical Cl Doping of Cu2O: Structural and Morphological Properties. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, v. 4, p. P181-P185, 2015.
AVILA, J. I. ; TUMELERO, M. A. ; PASA, A. A. ; VIEGAS, A.D.C. . Magnetoresistive system with concentric ferromagnetic asymmetric nanorings. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 117, p. 103901, 2015.
KHALID, Mohd. ; Tumelero, Milton A. ; PASA, Andre A. . Asymmetric and symmetric solid-state supercapacitors based on 3D interconnected polyaniline-carbon nanotube framework. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences, v. 5, p. 62033-62039, 2015.
ULLAH, Sajjad ; FERREIRA-NETO, Elias P. ; Pasa, André A. ; ALCÂNTARA, Carlos C.J. ; ACUÑA, José J.S. ; BILMES, Sara A. ; MARTÍNEZ RICCI, Maria L. ; LANDERS, Richard ; FERMINO, Taina Zampieri ; RODRIGUES-FILHO, Ubirajara P. . Enhanced photocatalytic properties of core@shell SiO2@TiO2 nanoparticles. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental (Print), v. 179, p. 333-343, 2015.
BRANDT, I. S. ; Zoldan, V. C. ; STENGER, V. ; PLÁ CID, C. C. ; Pasa, A. A. ; OLIVEIRA, T. J. ; AARÃO REIS, F. D. A. . Substrate effects and diffusion dominated roughening in Cu2O electrodeposition. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 118, p. 145303, 2015.
ZUCOLOTTO, B. ; PLÁ CID, C. C. ; ISOPPO, E. A. ; Pasa, A. A. ; DUQUE, J. G. S. ; FOLLY, W. S. D. . Reliable evaluation of magnetic properties of nanoparticle systems. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 118, p. 113903, 2015.
ROMERO, Mariano ; FACCIO, Ricardo ; PARDO, Helena ; Tumelero, Milton A. ; MONTENEGRO, Benjamín ; CAMPOS PLÁ CID, Cristiani ; Pasa, André A. ; MOMBRÚ, Álvaro W. . The effect of manganite nanoparticle addition on the low field magnetoresistance of polyaniline. J Mater Chem C, v. 3, p. 12040-12047, 2015.
MOJICA PISCIOTTI, M. L. ; LIMA, E. ; VASQUEZ MANSILLA, M. ; TOGNOLI, V. E. ; TROIANI, H. E. ; Pasa, A. A. ; CRECZYNSKI-PASA, T. B. ; SILVA, A. H. ; GURMAN, P. ; COLOMBO, L. ; GOYA, G. F. ; LAMAGNA, A. ; ZYSLER, R. D. . In vitro and in vivo experiments with iron oxide nanoparticles functionalized with DEXTRAN or polyethylene glycol for medical applications: Magnetic targeting. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, Applied Biomaterials, v. 102, p. 860-868, 2014.
KHALID, Mohd. ; TUMELERO, Milton A. ; ZOLDAN, V. C. ; CID, C. C. P. ; FRANCESCHINI, D. F. ; TIMM, R. A. ; KUBOTA, L. T. ; MOSHKALEV, S. A. ; PASA, A. A. . Polyaniline nanofibers-graphene oxide nanoplatelets composite thin film electrodes for electrochemical capacitors. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences, v. 4, p. 34168-34178, 2014.
BRANDT, Iuri S. ; MARTINS, Cesar A. ; ZOLDAN, Vinicius C. ; VIEGAS, Alexandre D.C. ; DIAS DA SILVA, José H. ; PASA, André A. . Structural and optical properties of Cu2O crystalline electrodeposited films. Thin Solid Films, v. 562, p. 144-151, 2014.
ROMERO, Mariano ; FACCIO, Ricardo ; MARTÍNEZ, Javier ; PARDO, Helena ; MONTENEGRO, Benjamín; PLÁ CID, Cristiani Campos ; PASA, André ; MOMBRÚ, Álvaro . Effect of lanthanide on the microstructure and structure of LnMn0.5Fe0.5O3 nanoparticles with Ln=La, pr, Nd, Sm and Gd prepared by the polymer precursor method. Journal of Solid State Chemistry (Print), v. 1, p. 1-10, 2014.
VICENTE, Cristiano ; ZOLDAN, Vinicius C. ; FLORES-MENDOZA, Miguel A. ; HAMBURG-PIEKAR, Daniel S. ; BAGGIO, Bruna F. ; DE OLIVEIRA, Cristian S. ; PASA, Andre Avelino . Enhancement of organic light-emitting diode light extraction by texturing PDMS layers. Optical Engineering (Bellingham. Print), v. 53, p. 107111, 2014.
DE ARAUJO, Clodoaldo I. L. ; FONSECA, Jakson M. ; SINNECKER, João P. ; DELATORRE, Rafael G. ; GARCIA, Nicolas ; PASA, André A. . Circular single domains in hemispherical Permalloy nanoclusters. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 116, p. 183906, 2014.
ROMERO, Mariano ; FACCIO, Ricardo ; PARDO, Helena ; TUMELERO, Milton A. ; PASA, André A. ; MOMBRÚ, Álvaro W. . Microstructural and magnetotransport studies of novel manganite-sebacic acid nanocomposites prepared at low temperature. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 377, p. 490-495, 2014.
KHALID, M. ; M. A. TUMELERO ; I. S. BRANDT ; CID, C. C. P. ; PASA, A. A. . Large slabs and allihn condenser type structures of polyaniline by an innovative one-pot approach. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences, v. 4, p. 31689-31691, 2014.
ZOLDAN, Vinícius Claudio ; FACCIO, Ricardo ; GAO, Chunlei ; PASA, Andre Avelino . Coupling of Cobalt-Tetraphenylporphyrin Molecules to a Copper Nitride Layer. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C. (Online), v. 117, p. 130711134322002-15990, 2013.
PELEGRINI, Silvia ; ADAMI, Andrea ; COLLINI, Cristian ; CONCI, Paolo ; ARAÚJO, Clodoaldo I. L. ; GUARNIERI, Vittorio ; GÜTHS, Saulo ; PASA, André A. ; LORENZELLI, Leandro . Development and characterization of a microthermoelectric generator with plated copper/constantan thermocouples. Microsystem Technologies, v. 20, p. 585-592, 2013.
FRITZEN-GARCIA, Maurícia B. ; MONTEIRO, Fabíola F. ; CRISTOFOLINI, tatiane ; ACUÑA, José Javier S. ; ZANETTI-RAMOS, Betina G. ; OLIVEIRA, Inês Rosane W.Z. ; SOLDI, Valdir ; PASA, André A. ; Creczynski-Pasa, Tânia B. . Characterization of horseradish peroxidase immobilized on PEGylated polyurethane nanoparticles and its application for dopamine detection. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, v. 182, p. 264-272, 2013.
KHALID, Mohd. ; TUMELERO, Milton A. ; BRANDT, Iuri. S. ; ZOLDAN, Vinicius C. ; ACUÑA, Jose J. S. ; PASA, Andre A. . Electrical Conductivity Studies of Polyaniline Nanotubes Doped with Different Sulfonic Acids. Indian Journal of Materials Science, v. 2013, p. 1-7, 2013.
ARAUJO, C. I. L. ; TUMELERO, M. A. ; AVILA, J. I. ; VIEGAS, A. D. C. ; GARCIA, N. ; PASA, A. A. . Electrical Spin Injection from Ferromagnetic Nanocontacts into Nondegenerated Silicon at Low Temperatures. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (Online), v. 26, p. 3449-3454, 2013.
DA SILVA, Douglas Langie ; PASA, André Avelino . Orthorhombic phase formation in electrochemically grown vanadium oxide (V2O5) nanofibers. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 140, p. 7-10, 2013.
ULLAH, Sajjad ; ACUÑA, José Javier Sáez ; PASA, André Avelino ; BILMES, Sara A. ; VELA, Maria Elena ; BENITEZ, Guillermo ; RODRIGUES-FILHO, Ubirajara Pereira . Photoactive layer-by-layer films of cellulose phosphate and titanium dioxide containing phosphotungstic acid. Applied Surface Science, v. 277, p. 111-120, 2013.
FERREIRA-NETO, Elias P. ; CARVALHO, Flavio L. S. ; ULLAH, Sajjad ; ZOLDAN, V. C. ; PASA, A. A. ; SOUZA, Adriano Lopes ; BATTIROLA, Liliane C. ; RUDOLF, Petra ; BILMES, Sara A. ; RODRIGUES-FILHO, U. P. . Surface structure and reactivity study of phosphotungstic acid-nitrogern ormosils. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, v. 66, p. 363-371, 2013.
DA SILVA, Douglas L. ; VIEGAS, Alexandre da C. ; ACUÑA, José J.J. ; PASA, Andre Avelino . Nanofiber-to-nanorod transformation during annealing of electrochemically deposited vanadium oxide nanofibers. Materials Letters (General ed.), v. 68, p. 303-306, 2012.
DE OLIVEIRA ROMERA, Cristian ; DE MORAES, Jaqueline Oliveira ; ZOLDAN, Vinícius Claudio ; PASA, Andre Avelino ; Laurindo, João Borges . Use of transient and steady-state methods and AFM technique for investigating the water transfer through starch-based films. Journal of Food Engineering, v. 109, p. 62-68, 2012.
KHALID, Mohd. ; ACUÑA, Jose J. S. ; TUMELERO, Milton A. ; FISCHER, Jeison A. ; ZOLDAN, Vinicius C. ; PASA, Andre Avelino . Sulfonated porphyrin doped polyaniline nanotubes and nanofibers: synthesis and characterization. Journal of Materials Chemistry (Print), v. 22, p. 11340-11346, 2012.
PEREIRA, Andre L. J. ; LISBOA FILHO, Paulo N. ; ACUÑA, Javier ; BRANDT, Iuri S. ; ZANATTA, Antonio R.; PASA, Andre A. ; VILCARROMERO, Johnny ; BELTRAN, Armando ; DIAS DA SILVA, Jose H. . Enhancement of optical absorption by modulation of the oxygen flow of TiO2 films deposited by reactive sputtering. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 111, p. 113513, 2012.
KHALID, Mohd. ; ALOK SRIVASTAVA ; ARAUJO, C. L. ; ZOLDAN, Vinicius Claudio ; PASA, A. A. . Electrical conductivity study of polyaniline polymethylmethacrylate composite fibers. World Journal of Applied Sciences and Research, v. 2, p. 51-54, 2012.
Kleber ERSCHING ; DORICO, Erildo ; SILVA, Rene Chagas da ; ZOLDAN, Vinicius C. ; Eduardo Almeida ISOPPO ; VIEGAS, Alexandre Da Cas ; PASA, André A. . Surface and interface characterization of nanoporous alumina templates produced in oxalic acid and submitted to etching procedures. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2012.
FISCHER, Jeison A. ; ZOLDAN, Vinícius C. ; BENITEZ, Guillermo ; RUBERT, Aldo A. ; RAMIREZ, Eduardo A. ; CARRO, Pilar ; SALVAREZZA, Roberto C. ; PASA, André A. ; VELA, Maria E. . Sulfidization of Au(111) from Thioacetic Acid: An Experimental and Theoretical Study. Langmuir, v. 28, p. 15278-15285, 2012.
BORGES, A.M.G. ; BENETOLI, L.O.B. ; LICÍNIO, M.A. ; ZOLDAN, V.C. ; SANTOS-SILVA, M.C. ; ASSREUY, J.; PASA, A.A. ; DEBACHER, N.A. ; SOLDI, V. . Polymer films with surfaces unmodified and modified by non-thermal plasma as new substrates for cell adhesion. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems (Print), v. 33, p. 1315-1324, 2012.
FRITZEN-GARCIA, M. B. ; ZOLDAN, Vinícius C. ; OLIVEIRA, Inês Rosane W.Z. ; SOLDI, Valdir ; PASA, A. A.; CRECZYNSKI-PASA, Tânia B. . Peroxidase immobilized on phospholipid bilayers supported on au (111) by DTT self-assembled monolayers: Application to dopamine determination. Biotechnology and Bioengineering (Print), v. sn, p. n/a-n/a, 2012.
ALAMINI, M.F. ; DA SILVA, R.C. ; ZOLDAN, V.C. ; ISOPPO, E.A. ; FILHO, U.P. Rodrigues ; REIS, F.D.A. Aarão ; KLEIN, A.N. ; PASA, A.A. . Normal versus anomalous roughening in electrodeposited Prussian Blue layers. Electrochemistry Communications, p. 1455-1458, 2011.
ZOLDAN, V. C. ; Cruz, J. S. ; MUNFORD, M. L. ; ZANGARI, G. ; GARCIA, N. ; PASA, A. A. . Morphology, Magnetic Properties, and Magnetoresistance of As-Deposited and Oxidized Fe Thin Films Electrodeposited on Si. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 157, p. D94, 2010.
KIRKWOOD, D. ; ZOLDAN, V. C. ; PASA, A. A. ; ZANGARI, G. . Evolution of Surface Roughness in Electrodeposited Co Ni P and Co Ni Films. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 157, p. D181, 2010.
DE LIMA, Vânia R. ; CARO, Miguel S. B. ; MUNFORD, Maximiliano L. ; DESBAT, Bernard ; DUFOURC, Erick ; PASA, André A. ; CRECZYNSKI-PASA, Tânia B. . Influence of melatonin on the order of phosphatidylcholine-based membranes. Journal of Pineal Research, p. no-no, 2010.
ZANETTI-RAMOS, Betina Giehl ; FRITZEN-GARCIA, Mauricia Beddin ; CRECZYNSKI-PASA, Tania Beatriz ; OLIVEIRA, Cristian ; PASA, Andre Avelino ; SOLDI, Valdir ; BORSALI, Redouane . Characterization of Polymeric Particles with Electron Microscopy, Dynamic Light Scattering, and Atomic Force Microscopy. Particulate Science and Technology, v. 28, p. 472-484, 2010.
DELATORRE, R. G. ; SILVA, R. C. ; CRUZ, J. S. ; GARCIA, N. ; PASA, A. A. . Electrodeposited magnetite with large magnetoresistive response at room temperature and low magnetic fields. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 13, p. 843-847, 2009.
ZANETTI-RAMOS, B ; FRITZEN-GARCIA, M ; DE OLIVEIRA, C ; PASA, A. A. ; SOLDI, V ; BORSALI, R ; CRECZYNSKI-PASA, T . Dynamic Light Scattering and Atomic Force Microscopy Techniques for Size Determination of Polyurethane Nanoparticles. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems, v. 29, p. 638-640, 2009.
FRITZEN-GARCIA, M ; ZANETTI-RAMOS, B ; DE OLIVEIRA, C ; SOLDI, V ; PASA, A ; CRECZYNSKI-PASA, T . Atomic force microscopy imaging of polyurethane nanoparticles onto different solid substrates. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems, v. 29, p. 405-409, 2009.
CREZYNSKI-PASA, T B ; MILLONE, M. A. D. ; MUNFORD, M L ; LIMA, V R de ; Tiago Opala Vieira ; G. Benitez ; PASA, A. A. ; R C Salvarezza ; Maria Elena Vela . Self-Assembled Dithiothreitol on Au Surfaces for Biological Applications: Phospholipid Bilayers Formation. PCCP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 11, p. 1077-1084, 2009.
FRITZEN-GARCIA, Maurícia B. ; OLIVEIRA, Inês Rosane W.Z. ; ZANETTI-RAMOS, Betina G. ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, Orlando ; SOLDI, Valdir ; PASA, André A. ; CRECZYNSKI-PASA, Tânia B. . Carbon paste electrode modified with pine kernel peroxidase immobilized on pegylated polyurethane nanoparticles. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, v. 139, p. 570-575, 2009.
BALLESTAR, A. ; Araujo, C. I. L. ; DELATORRE, R. G. ; PASA, A. A. ; GARCIA, N. . Measuring Magnetoresistance in a 2D Intergranular Magnetic-Semiconducting Material. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, v. 22, p. 737-748, 2009.
ZANDONAY, Ricardo ; DELATORRE, R G ; PASA, A. A. . Preparation and characterization of electrodeposited Co/p-Si Schottky diodes. JICS. Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems (Ed. Português), v. 4, p. 79-83, 2009.
SILVA, D L da ; DELATORRE, R. G. ; PATTANAIK, G. ; ZANGARI, G ; FIGUEIREDO, W. ; BLUM, R P ; NIEHUS, H ; PASA, A. A. . Electrochemical Synthesis of Vanadium Oxide Nanofibers. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 155, p. E14-E17, 2008.
D’AJELLO, P. C. T. ; PASA, A. A. ; MUNFORD, M L ; SCHERVENSKI, A. Q. . The effects of temperature on current?potential profiles from electrochemical film production: A theoretical approach. Electrochimica Acta, v. 53, p. 3156-3165, 2008.
PASA, A. A.; ARAUJO, C. L. ; MUNFORD, M L ; DELATORRE, R G ; DA SILVA, R. C. ; ZOLDAN, V C ; GARCIA, N . Spin polarized current in permalloy clusters electrodeposited on silicon: two-dimensional giant magnetoresistance. Applied Physics Letters, v. 92, p. 222101, 2008.
DE OLIVEIRA, I. R. W. Z. ; FRITZEN-GARCIA, M. B. ; ZANETTI-RAMOS, B. G. ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, O. ; PASA, A. A. ; CREZYNSKIPASA, T B . Pegylated Polyurethane Nanoparticles as Support for a Biosensor Construction Based on Peroxidase Extracted from Pine Kernel (Araucaria angustifolia). ECS Transactions (Online), v. 16, p. 483-490, 2008.
ZANDONAY, Ricardo ; DELATORRE, R. G. ; Pasa, A. A. . Electrical Characterization of Electrodeposited Co/p-Si Schottky Diodes. ECS Transactions (Online), v. 14, p. 359-363, 2008.
BRANDT, I. ; ARAUJO, C. L. ; STENGER, Vagner ; DELATORRE, R. G. ; PASA, A. A. . Electrical characterization of Cu/Cu2O electrodeposited contacts. ECS Transactions (Online), v. 14, p. 413-419, 2008.
DELATORRE, Rafael G ; MUNFORD, Maximiliano Luis ; Q. Zhou ; PASA, A. A. ; SCHWARZACHER, Walther . Transistor with organic emitter and electrodeposited Au base. Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research, v. 204, p. 940-944, 2007.
DELATORRE, Rafael G ; MUNFORD, Maximiliano Luis ; STENGER, Vagner ; SCHWARZACHER, Walther ; PASA, A. A. ; MERÚVIA, Michelle Sostag ; HÜMMELGEN, Ivo Alexandre . Electrodeposited p-type magnetic metal base transistor. Journal of Applied Physics, EUA, v. 99, n.08H704, p. 1-3, 2006.
ROSSI, L. ; MERUVIA, M S ; HÜMMELGEN, I A ; PASA, A. A. ; SCHWARZACHER, W . Operation of metallic base transistors with fullerene emitter. Journal of Applied Physics, EUA, v. 100, p. 1-3, 2006.
DELATORRE, Rafael G ; ZANDONAY, Ricardo ; MUNFORD, M L ; ZOLDAN, V C ; PASA, A. A. ; SCHWARZACHER, W ; MERUVIA, M S ; HÜMMELGEN, I A . p-Type metal-base transistor. Applied Physics Letters, EUA, v. 88, p. 233504-1-233504-3, 2006.
SANTOS M. ; SILVA, D L da ; PASA, A. A. ; FIGUEIREDO, W. . A simple statistical model for V2O5 catalysis. Surface Science, Holanda, v. 600, p. 1409-1414, 2006.
GARCIA, N ; HAO, C. ; YONGHUA, L. ; MUNOZ, M. ; CHEN, Y. ; CUI, Z. ; LU, Z. ; ZHOU, Y. ; PAN, G. ; PASA, A. A. . Magnetoresistance in thin Permalloy film (10 nm thick and 30?200 nm wide) nanocontacts fabricated by e-beam lithography. Applied Physics Letters, v. 89, p. 083112-1-083112-3, 2006.
MERUVIA, Michelle Sostag ; MUNFORD, M L ; HÜMMELGEN, I A ; ROCHA, A. S. DA ; SARTORELLI, M L ; PASA, A. A. ; SCHWARZACHER, W ; BONFIM, M. . Magnetic metal base transistor with organic emitter. Journal of Applied Physics, EUA, v. 97, n.026102, p. 026102-1-026102-3, 2005.
SILVA, Rene Chagas da ; MALLETT, J. J. ; PASA, A. A. ; SCHWARZACHER, Walther . Surface roughness of electrodeposited amorphous CoP films. Surface Science, Holanda, v. 576, p. 212-216, 2005.
MERUVIA, Michelle Sostag ; BENVENHO, A R V ; HÜMMELGEN, Ivo Alexandre ; PASA, A. A. ; SCHWARZACHER, Walther . Pseudo metal-base transistor with high gain. Applied Physics Letters, EUA, v. 86, n.236504, p. 263504-1-263504-3, 2005.
MUNFORD, M L ; LIMA, V R ; VIEIRA, T O ; HEINZELMANN, G ; PASA, T B Creczynski ; PASA, A. A. . AFM In-Situ Characterization of Supported Phospholipid Layers Formed by Vesicle Fusion. Microscopy & Microanalysis, Estados Unidos, v. 11, n.Supp.3, p. 90-93, 2005.
ZOLDAN, V C ; KIRKWOOD, D ; MUNFORD, M L ; FIGUEIREDO, W ; ZANGARI, G ; PASA, A. A. . AFM Studies of Ni Electrodeposits on GaAs. Microscopy & Microanalysis, Estados Unidos, v. 11, n.Supp. 3, p. 90-93, 2005.
PASA, A. A.; SILVA, R C da ; SINNECKER, J P ; SOMMER, R L ; GÜNDEL, A ; SANTOS, e M dos ; SARTORELLI, M L . Magnetic properties and magneto-impedance in electrodeposited amorphous Cop layers. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Holanda, v. 272, p. 1460-1462, 2004.
SPADA, E R ; OLIVEIRA, L S de ; ROCHA, A S da ; PASA, A. A. ; ZANGARI, G ; SARTORELLI, M L . Thin films of Ni(x)Fe(1-x) electrodeposited on silicon (100). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Holanda, v. 272, p. e891-e892, 2004.
SPANGENBERG, Thomas ; MELLO, Nildete Fatima de ; PASA, Tania Beatriz Creczynski ; PASA, A. A. ; NIEHUS, Horst . AFM in-situ characterization of supported phospholipid layers formed by solution spreading. Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research, Alemanha, v. 201, n.5, p. 857-860, 2004.
MARTINS, Luiz Felipe de Oliveira ; MELLO, Regina M Q ; SARTORELLI, Maria Luisa ; HÜMMELGEN, Ivo Alexandre ; PASA, A. A. . Surface roughness of electropolymerized polyaniline and sulfonated polyaniline layers. Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research, Alemanha, v. 201, n.5, p. 902-907, 2004.
MERUVIA, Michelle Sostag ; HÜMMELGEN, Ivo Alexandre ; SARTORELLI, Maria Luisa ; PASA, A. A. ; SCHWARZACHER, W . Organic-metal-semiconductor transistor with high gain. Applied Physics Letters, EUA, v. 84, n.20, p. 3978-3980, 2004.
HASAN, N. M. ; MALLETT, J. J. ; SANTOS FILHO, S. G. ; PASA, A. A. ; SCHWARZACHER, W . Dynamic scaling of the surface roughness of electroless Cu. Physical Review B – Solid State, EUA, v. 67, n.81401, p. 081401-1-081401-4, 2003.
DELATORRE, R. G. ; SARTORELLI, Maria Luisa ; SCHERVERNSKI, A. Q. ; GÜTHS, S. ; PASA, A. A. . Thermoelectric properties of electrodeposited CuNi alloys on Si. Journal of Applied Physics, Estados Unidos, v. 93, n.10, p. 6154-6158, 2003.
MUNFORD, M L ; MAROUN, F ; CORTÈS, R ; ALLONGUE, P ; PASA, A. A. . Electrochemical growth of gold on well-defined vicinal H-Si surfaces studied by AFM and XRD. Surface Science, Holanda, v. 537, p. 95-112, 2003.
MUNFORD, M L ; SARTORELLI, Maria Luisa ; SELIGMAN, Luiza ; PASA, A. A. . Morphology and Magnetic Properties of Co thin films Electrodeposited on Si. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Estados Unidos, v. 149, n.5, p. 274-279, 2002.
SANTOS M. ; CAVALCANTI W. ; PASA, A. A. ; FIGUEIREDO W. . Simple model for instantaneous electrodeposition. Physica. A, Holanda, v. 308, p. 313-324, 2002.
SELIGMAN, Luiza ; SARTORELLI, Maria Luisa ; PASA, A. A. ; SCHWARZACHER, Walther ; KASYUTICH, O. I. . Co/Cu spin-valves electrodeposited on Si. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Holanda, v. 226, p. 752-753, 2001.
MUNFORD, M L ; SELIGMAN, Luiza ; SARTORELLI, Maria Luisa ; VOLTOLINI, E. ; MARTINS, L. F. O. ; SCHWARZACHER, Walther ; PASA, A. A. . Electrodeposition of magnetic thin films of cobalt on silicon. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Holanda, v. 226, p. 1613-1615, 2001.
SARTORELLI, Maria Luisa ; SCHERVENSKI, A. Q. ; DELATORRE, R. G. ; P. Klauss ; MALISKA, A. M. ; PASA, A. A. . Cu-Ni Thin Films Electrodeposited on Silicon: Composition and Current Efficiency. Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research, Alemanha, v. 187, n.1, p. 91-95, 2001.
DA SILVA, R. C. ; SARTORELLI, Maria Luisa ; SARDELA M. ; PASA, A. A. . Electrodeposition of Co-P on silicon. Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research, Alemanha, v. 187, n.1, p. 85-89, 2001.
D’AJELLO, P. C. T. ; FIORI, M. A. ; PASA, A. A. ; KIPERVASER, Z. G. . Reaction-diffusion interplay in electrochemical deposition processes: A theoretical approach. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, USA, v. 147, n.12, p. 4562-4566, 2000.
PASA, A. A.; SCHWARZACHER, Walther . Electrodeposition of thin films and multilayers on silicon. Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research, República Federal da Alemanha, v. 173, n.1, p. 73-84, 1999.
D’AJELLO, P. C. T. ; MUNFORD, M L ; PASA, A. A. . Transient equations for multiple nucleation on solid electrodes: a stochastic description. Journal of Chemical Physics, Estados Unidos da América, v. 111, n.9, p. 4267-4272, 1999.
KEEFFE, A. P. O. ; KASYUTICH, O. I. ; SCHWARZACHER, Walther ; OLIVEIRA, L S de ; PASA, A. A. . Giant Magnetoresistance in Multilayers Electrodeposited on n-Si. Applied Physics Letters, Estados Unidos da America, v. 73, n.11, p. 1002-1004, 1998.
PASA, A. A.; MARTINS, L. F. O. ; SELIGMAN, Luiza ; SANTOS FILHO, S. G. ; D’AJELLO, P. C. T. ; LOSCH, W. P. ; HASENACK, C. M. . Eletrodeposição de Cu sobre Si monocristalino. Revista Brasileira de Aplicações de Vácuo, Brasil, v. 17, n.1, p. 52-56, 1998.
BOLDO, E. M. ; SELIGMAN, Luiza ; MARTINS, L. F. O. ; HASENACK, C. M. ; SCHWARZACHER, Walther ; PASA, A. A. ; OLIVEIRA, L S de . Caracterização de filmes finos de cobre eletrodepositados em silicio, por difração de raios-X. Revista Brasileira de Aplicações de Vácuo, Brasil, v. 17, n.1, p. 57-59, 1998.
SANTOS FILHO, S. G. ; MARTINS, L. F. O. ; D’AJELLO, P. C. T. ; PASA, A. A. ; HASENACK, C. M. . Electroless- and Electro-Plating of Cu on Si. Microelectronic Engineering, Elsevier, v. 33, p. 59-64, 1997.
SANTOS FILHO, S. G. ; PASA, A. A. ; HASENACK, C. M. . A Mechanism for Electroless Cu Plating onto Si. Microelectronic Engineering, Elsevier, v. 33, p. 149-154, 1997.
MARTINS, L. F. O. ; SANTOS FILHO, S. G. ; SELIGMAN, Luiza ; D’AJELLO, P. C. T. ; HASENACK, C. M. ; PASA, A. A. . Electrochemical Evidence of a Copper-induced Etching of n-type Si in Dilute Hydrofluoric Acid Solutions.. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Estados Unidos da América, v. 144, p. L106-L108, 1997.
PASA, A. A.; LOSCH, W. P. ; BAUER, G. H. . Two-Dimensional Growth of Si Grains inside Au Thin Films.. Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research, Republica Federal da Alemanha, v. 192, p. 527-532, 1995.